
The Club Championship started in 2010 to instill some friendly competition between members wishing to participate in races. At the beginning of each year a list of races is compiled by club members at a variety of distances ranging from 5K up to marathon. Members can run in as many races as they wish and points are earned based on age and performance in the race. The best 6 results for each member count towards the Championship. There is no requirement to participate in the Championship, it is entirely the members own choice.

Since 2016, we now have a prize for the “Most Improved Athlete”.   This will be awarded to the man or woman who has the most improved average performance compared with the previous year.

Past Winners
2010 – Steven Pilling
2011 – Steven Pilling
2012 – Men: John McCarthy Women: Louise Walker
2013 – Men: Adam Mills Women: Sharon Richman
2014 – Men: Adam Mills Women: Sharon Richman
2015 – Men: Adam Mills Women: Jenny Butler
2016 – Men: Adam Mills Women: Jen Almond Most Improved: John Walsh
2017 – Men: Paul Wood Women: Jen Almond Most Improved: Edd Almond
2018 – Men: Ian Harrison Women: Nicola Jones Most Improved: Richard Mann
2019 – Men: Ian Harrison Women: Beth Gripton Most Improved: John Walsh
2020 – Men: Gary Coley Women: Helen Mann Most Improved: Richard Mann
Runners up: Men: Justin Wilson Women: Claire Telford Most Improved: Jon Vaile

Note that for 2020 we are using updated rules to take account of virtual races:

Championship Rules

2020 League Table (Final)

AthleteRacesPointsAve WAVA
Helen Mann6437.9272.99
Gary Colley6426.4771.08
Justin Wilson6410.8468.47
Richard Mann6404.5467.42
Phil Clarke6380.0863.35
Neil Hartley6371.4661.91
Jon Vaile6328.5154.75
Claire Telford6321.7753.63
Matt Lloyd6319.8053.30
Hayley Hartley5270.8354.17
John Walsh4228.5457.13
Eddy Lowe3197.8665.95
Julie Cashon3190.9463.65
Rob William3160.4053.47
Mike Garnham2128.4964.24
Sharon Richman2124.7362.37
Nicola Jones2117.9258.96
Anthony Swain2116.3458.17
Beth Gripton2112.2656.13
Michael Dunkley166.7766.77
Elinor Snape163.1563.15
Karen Scott157.0857.08
Ann Bennett153.6453.64
Louise Thompson149.0649.06

2020 Most Improved Table (Final)

Athlete2019 Ave2020 AveImprovement
Ian Harrison77.74%
Paul Wood71.23%
Richard Mann67.18%68.02%0.84%
Beth Gripton66.71%
Phil Clarke65.47%64.11%-1.36%
Mike Garnham65.19%
John Walsh64.88%57.13%-7.75%
Michael Dunkley63.15%
Martin Grocock62.70%
Elinor Snape62.26%
Anthony Swain60.46%
Louise Thompson57.37%
Jon Vaile56.54%56.54%0.00%
Karen Scott56.32%
Ann Bennett55.42%
Claire Telford54.57%
Cary Coley72.47%
Hayley Hartley55.58%
Helen Mann73.89%
Justin Wilson70.20%
Matt Lloyd53.25%
Neil Hatley65.25%

Full results spreadsheet is here

2022 Status

Name of Runner2024 Top 4 WAVABottomboat Lines 5 mileDewsbury 10KFlat Cap 5 MileHalf MarathonJT Canal 5kMarathonMorley 10kOulton War Memorial 5 mileParkrun (5k)Percy Pud 10kPontefract 10kSt Aidens 10KStanley Ferry 10 Mile loopTotal WAVA ScoreTop 6 WAVA TotalEvents Entered2024 top 4 Wava2025 top 4 wava
Amanda Wright212.73 55.80 104.83 2212.73
Anne Wright 72.24 72.24 1
Beth Gripton270.63 0.00 0270.63
Claire Telford257.45 59.45 59.45 1257.45
Dan Wood288.07 74.70 74.70 1288.07
Dave Sills203.93 49.59 51.33 150.90 3203.93
David McAllister 58.12 58.12 1
Eddy Lowe279.60 0.00 0279.6
Gary Hartley297.73 75.65 77.01 226.43 3297.73
Hayley Hartley232.13 54.13 0.00 54.13 1232.13
Ian Budenberg266.08 69.38 137.63 2266.08
Ian Furness262.08 61.95 61.95 1262.08
Ingrid Senior258.66 67.03 67.03 1258.66
James Sharples238.99 66.05 198.23 3238.99
Jo Langley296.77 76.13 155.26 2296.77
Jodie Wood 49.27 49.27 1
Jon Vaile209.68 60.40 57.70 177.67 3209.68
Karen Cooper 52.64 52.64 1
Louise Thompson214.93 54.38 54.38 1214.93
Martin Dearie 71.95 139.08 2
Matthew Stephenson215.40 52.66 102.47 2215.4
Mike Garnham236.66 0.00 0236.66
Neil Hartley260.97 64.32 65.73 192.82 3260.97